Community and values

A place where business and community meet.

The site forms part of the Villaverde neighbourhood, offering outdoor space and leisure activities for both employees and the local community. Those who live and work here can travel safely by bicycle or public transport, keep fit on the running track and enjoy the great outdoors at the forest park and Metropolitan Forest.

People are the heart of OAXIS.

At GLP, we know that people are what bring our world to life.
We aim to foster a more human-centred, diverse and inclusive environment, while supporting the mental and physical health of our teams.

Ready for business: our primary objective.

Our cutting-edge facilities are designed to meet the most exacting of standards while making gains on costs.
At the same time, we do everything we can to take care of people, from health and well-being to training and development.
  • Optimised racking design
  • Load-bearing beams to maximise dispatch area
  • Enhanced insulation for excellent energy performance
  • FM1 concrete flooring suitable for robotics
  • Photovoltaic panels for on-site energy production
  • LED lighting
  • Synergies
  • Flexible design
  • Cost efficiency
  • Multipurpose spaces suitable for training, presentations, yoga sessions and more
  • Convenient public transport links and on-site parking

Inspired by community.

At OAXIS, we believe that community is what energises and brings people together.
An enriching working environment boosts productivity and all-round well-being.

Caring for our environment, leaning in to sustainability.

What’s good for the planet is also good for us. A few quick wins for a greener workplace can foster the ideal environment for humans, enhancing physical and mental health.
From the start, we set out to achieve the highest available accreditations for environmental performance and user well-being: BREEAM Communities and Net Zero Building.
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